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(Mis)Quantifying Value: Data Analytics and the Affordable Housing Crisis

February 19 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Across the country and within Cincinnati, housing is becoming increasingly unaffordable and racially unequal. The vast majority of households’ largest expense is their housing with lower-income families regularly paying over half their income on their housing. Lower income families and people of color are often doubly disadvantaged: experiencing higher housing costs, including property tax and rent, but lower returns to their investment in homeownership. This is in part due to the algorithms used to evaluate property. eruka, a local nonprofit, has published empirical research demonstrating how the data and approaches of both market appraisals and tax assessments perpetuate inequality and unaffordability. They are also using computer vision and machine learning to innovate new sustainability and equitable approaches. eruka’s founder, Dr. Junia Howell, will be discussing this research and their ongoing efforts to use data science to foster a more just economy.

Session will take place 4-5pm, followed by networking 5-6pm. Refreshments will be provided.

Meetups are hosted the third Wednesday of each month at Union Hall in OTR and feature subject matter experts and enthusiasts in the fields of data and analytics.


February 19
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Cincinnati Data and Analytics


Union Hall
1311 VINE ST
Cincinnati, OH 45202 United States
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